
My New Hydration Obsession

About a month ago as I went to refill my coffee cup for the 3rd time, I realized I was barely drinking enough water.  For all of time I will blame everything on the lifestyle change of the pandemic, and this is no different. I used to chug water throughout the day without a problem, but for some reason, lately I had been barely getting a few glasses in throughout the day. 

So I decided it was time to pull out the big guns once and for all. I needed to make a serious change to drink more water. Enter… my water baby. I call it my water baby because it weighs exactly 8 pounds and I lug it around all day. Just like a newborn. Yes friends, you read that right. 8 pounds of water. I challenged myself to drink 128 oz (one gallon) every day, with frequent bathroom breaks and all. NOTE: This works for me, but drinking too much water (especially within a small window) can lead to hyponatremia for some people. It’s best to consult your doctor if you have any questions. 

I’ve been drinking one per day for about a month now, but as little as one week into my challenge, here is what I noticed:


Improved Focus 

A few years ago I drastically changed my diet to avoid dairy and gluten, focusing on more whole foods. This had an amazing impact on my energy levels throughout the day. (I used to have to squeeze in a midday nap just to function.) While it improved my energy and brain fog, I still have a hard time focusing some days. Hydration can have a big impact on your brain. Even mild dehydration as little as 1% can cause issues with mood, concentration, and memory. After a few days of giving my body more water, I noticed a huge difference. 


Decreased Cravings 

About 90% of the time my family and I eat very healthy food, but every once in a while I crave a side of French fries or a big chocolate chip cookie. With my body better hydrated, I don’t have uncontrollable food cravings. I am able to stick with the foods that make me feel better on the inside. (That being said, if you order fries they are fair game for me to sneak a few.)


Better Function

The biggest change I’ve noticed is that I am sleeping better and able to workout more with better hydration in my body. It used to be that one glass of wine could derail my sleep and motivation the next day. (Getting old sucks sometimes.) Now with more consistent water intake, my body is able to function better and one glass of wine doesn’t ruin the next day for me.

How much water do you drink each day? Tell me in the comments! 


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