10 Creative Ways to Spread More Love

When you hear someone say “Valentine’s Day” you probably act in one of two ways: You get that warm, fuzzy feeling picturing someone special OR you rolled your eyes so hard they almost got stuck. Either way, the commercially manufactured holiday of love is nearly upon us and I’ve chosen not to be cynical about it this year. With a year like we’ve had, I am ready to spread the love and make the entire world candy-coated for just one day.

Everyone pegs Valentine’s Day as a time to show someone you’re in a relationship with that you L-O-V-E love them. But you have other loves in your life, right? Friends, family, kids…who says they can’t be your Valentine? 

Time to Get Warm Fuzzies

Valentine’s Day can be hard for a lot of people. It’s a day on the calendar that reminds many of loves lost or only highlights strains in current relationships. While for some it’s a day to bask in the glow of romance, for others it can be pretty lonely.

I’ve made a choice to practice more gratitude in my life and one of the ways to do that is to reach out and show my loved ones that I care. When someone does that for me, I get a feeling of appreciation, respect and of course, love. That recognition is feel-good fuel and it goes a lot further than you may realize.

Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Ready to start spreading more love? Here are 10 creative ideas for Valentine’s Day to show the other people in your life how much you care about them:

  1. Mail a handwritten letter or postcard instead of a greeting card. Buy some cheesy stickers to put on the envelope just like you did for an old pen pal.
  2. Make or buy your child’s favorite treat and make a list of the top 10 reasons they make your life a little sweeter to give to them.
  3. Surprise a friend with a homemade dinner to help not only break up the time spent in the kitchen, but also any takeout rut they are in.
  4. Go with your partner to the grocery store and split up. Pick out a beverage and snack for the other person as a surprise, then enjoy them together for a movie night.
  5. Grab a pot and plant some seeds so the recipient only has to water it and watch it grow! It could be flowers or an herb garden, something you know they will enjoy.
  6. Gather all the dry ingredients for your favorite baked and layer them in a clear bag or mason jar with a ribbon on top. All they have to do is add an egg or oil!
  7. Grab some wooden picture frames and decorate them with you kids to exchange with one another. Print your favorite photo of you all together to put inside.
  8. Schedule something unique for your partner, like floatation therapy, so they can unwind and relax in a socially distant setting.
  9. Lend out your favorite book to a friend, neighbor, or fellow bookworm who you think would enjoy reading it, include a little note inside the front cover. (You could even make it a monthly book exchange!)
  10. Go old school and pick up the phone to call an old friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while. Make sure they know you care.

No matter what 2021 holds, we all need love year round. I plan to make a point to check-in more regularly with my people so they know how special they are to me. What creative ideas do you have for Valentine’s Day? Let me know in the comments.


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