
Parenting Isn’t About You

When we wrote our book Everybody Fights, So Why Not Get Better At It we talked about magic words in a relationship. There are phrases you can say during discussions or arguments that help bring down the temperature or help…

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Curiosity Helps Couples

A couple of years ago, Penn and I took a long walk. It lasted about two hours, and I asked him all sorts of questions. But I began to notice something strange: He was doing a great job listening (which…

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We’re Going All In

Historically, around the second week in January, I have a freakout. This has gotten so predictable that I had to get my 2025 calendar early so I could write the words “don’t freak out” right around now. See, we’ve been…

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Behind The Music with Our Team

As you know, the podcast is my most favorite thing we do. Our videos online are often short, quick hits. The podcast is a place where Penn and I can have more nuance and in-depth conversations. So in the spirit…

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Do What Matters

I will admit something: I get hit with bursts of energy where I NEED to organize my life and schedule. I’ll buy a new planner, and color-code my life. Then, inevitably a week later, I get too busy to follow…

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