A USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller! Learn how to fight better and end your arguments with your partner feeling closer, more loved, and better understood.

With their trademark sense of humor and complete vulnerability, Penn and Kim share their ten most common Fight Fails and how to combat them. Throughout the book, they offer scripts for how to start, continue, and wrap up hard conversations. Couples will emerge equipped to engage and understand, not do battle—and maybe laugh a little more along the way.

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In Everybody Fights, couples will learn how to:

Conjure the Magic of Metacommunication

How to talk to each other and make fights less destructive.

Break free of secret contracts

Identify the silent deals, tasks, and identities within your relationship.

Banish distraction, denial, and delay

The three Ds that appear during stress points in a relationship.

Carry their own individual baggage

Your partner doesn't complete you; you are already complete.