I’ve seen a therapist off and on since I was in college. Some have helped me make major changes in how I process my own thoughts. Others, well let’s just say it wasn’t a perfect fit.
It’s almost like dating:…
One of the best vacations I ever took was by myself. I was 26, single and I had four weeks before I had to start a new job in a new town. I had zero money but I had a…
Hi. My name is Kim and I’m an introvert.
I think there’s something you should know about introverts: We (typically) LOVE people, we value our friendships, and we love to have fun. There’s a frequent commenter on our videos that…
The details are fuzzy but on a particularly anxious day years ago, I just needed to get the courage to get out of bed. I needed to care for my kids and do my job. I said to myself, “Left…
When I started in therapy, one of the first things I learned about was building a mental health toolkit. Simply put, it’s having a mental checklist of what you will do in tough situations. You probably have heard the phrase…
I can feel you rolling your eyes as you read this. If you’ve been around this page long enough, you’ve heard me threaten to find a hobby over and over (and over) again. I was a competitive dancer growing up…
Penn here! I’m guest blogging on Kim’s Mental Health Focus Month with a way to help you achieve more productivity with (you guessed it) my ADHD superpower! Enter hyperfocus. ADHD can be a hindrance for a lot of people, but…
I remember I got my first diary from a friend on my 10th birthday. I still have it. It had pretty pink pointe shoes on the cover and a silver lock to keep all my 10-year-old secret’s secure.
Since those…
It was exactly this time last year, when Penn and I set out to finish filming our season of The Amazing Race. The pandemic, very rudely, shut down production in 2020 and we were getting the chance to finish what…
I’m writing this post on a good day. I slept well last night, I woke up before my alarm with time to workout and meditate like I promised myself I would.
I took some time at lunch to scribble in…