My motto for the last couple weeks has been: “That sounds like a January problem.”
So when it came to the last podcast of the year (and even though it’s my most favorite thing we do) I decided to make…
Penn and I have a good marriage, maybe even a great one. But one thing that will always start a fight in our house is the timing and frequency with which I play Christmas music. I’ll admit I’ll crank a…
I don’t buy lottery tickets. Not because I have moral opposition, but because I know I’ll never get this lucky ever again. Ten years ago, we won the internet lottery. We posted a video we titled, “XMAS JAMMIES” and it…
I have to admit, I roll my eyes when people tell me to slow down and enjoy things. (I am fully aware that is ironic given I am trying to have a ‘Slow 60’ between November and December this year.)…
Everyone has a story of the worst gift they ever received. (And typically it is also the funniest.) During my first year of college, I told my Dad I wanted pajamas for Christmas. All the girls in my dorm had…