Being Better At Being Married

Through our podcast and our book, Penn and I have always been very open about our successes and failures as a married couple. (Why not learn from our screw ups, right?) We’ve always strived to have better than just a “good marriage.” We both want to have a great marriage and not gonna lie, it takes work. So when someone recently asked us, “What advice would you give to a newlywed couple?” we realized we had a lot to say.

We’ve been married long enough that we have to do math in our heads to remember how long (it’s been 16 ¾ years). Going through all the things we would tell our newlywed selves refreshed strategies that have helped us be better at being married, too. We can’t go back and tell our newlywed selves this now, but maybe sharing what we’ve learned along the way can help someone else out there. 

Register For Marriage Coaching 

In this podcast, we both share our best advice which we promptly turned into a competition, because that’s what we do. Our favorite part of this conversation is Penn coming up with his new best idea ever for wedding gifts: registering for marriage coaching. (Could this be a future blog post?) You’ll have to listen to find out more.

We also asked people to write or call-in with their best advice, and we got so many great responses. We shared some of our favorites and we also got special guest advice from our daughter, Lola, who popped in for a surprise visit.  

What other marriage advice would you give your newlywed self? Happy listening!


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