Big Announcement… We Made A Game! 

What’s that emotion that’s excited but a little nervous? Nervcited? Well, I’m nervcited because we launched our new game FAMILY FACEOFF! 

We made Family Faceoff, because we are game people. A rainy day, vacation, or even just 20 minutes after dinner on a school night. I’ll admit, it can be tough to keep a kid’s attention (or Penn’s with his ADHD) and keep them actively participating. We wanted to create a game that would get our very active kids out of their seats and in situations where they could be competitive with the whole family, no matter their age. Basically if charades, karaoke, and a scavenger hunt had a baby, that would be Family Faceoff. 

The Making of Family Faceoff

If you’ve been around here for a while you know we developed a board game through Kickstarter years ago. It was so fun seeing it come to life, but we quickly learned some important lessons:

  1. The board was beautiful but with the board and cards and pieces it was huge. It was tough storing it in our game cabinet.
  2. It was heavy so the shipping costs were just gross.
  3. Because there were so many pieces, we heard feedback that families would only take it out on a rainy day when they had a lot of time to play.

We went back to the drawing board and re-imagined the game to create a game that would still be crazy fun but also simple to ship and store. The result was a fun, fast-paced game played in two teams featuring four categories, including Guess It, Act It, Find It, and Faceoff.


You can hear more about the categories in our video announcement or our podcast. (Bonus – we had our first call-in show and played the game with some of YOU!) So many people have worked so hard to bring this to life in its current form. Big thanks to our Holderness Family team and the team over at Watch Ya’ Mouth (the mouthguard party game) who helped us make this a reality. 

We so NERVCITED for Family Faceoff to be out into the world. We hope you love it as much as we do. You can pre-order the game here.


Kim & Penn

Listen to our game announcement podcast using the links below:


Apple Podcasts:






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