Making More Joy

Our podcast is our favorite thing we do. It’s like a built in day-date every week where we get to sit down and chat together for an hour. Sometimes we chat about serious topics between ourselves or other times we invite a special guest to teach us something. It really brings us a lot of joy. 

With the world continuing to be so serious, we’ve found ourselves seeking out things that bring us joy and levity. We want to look for the “extra” in the ordinary everyday. We thought maybe all of you out there might be feeling the same way, so we are testing out a new format on our podcast this week to hopefully create a little bit more joy to spread around. 

Ask Us Anything 

We created segments – each with a special song created by Penn – and we want to know what you think. Do you like our segments? Do you like our songs? Most importantly, did you find any joy in joining our conversation? 

We’d love to have you participate in our conversation by sending us some of your questions for any of our segments. You can comment, send us a message, or even call our voicemail and leave us a message at 323-364-3929.

As promised from today’s chat, here are the links to our favorite things this week: 

Kim’s Favorite Sunscreen 

Penn’s Favorite Chapstick 

Let us know what you think! 



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