This week on the podcast we gave you a peek behind the curtain about some new starts and life updates. That includes adding our podcast to YouTube, renaming the pod, and just the little, tiny newsbreak of our oldest daughter getting into, and choosing a college. (Ahhhhh!!!) It’s super exciting but also very emotional. Luckily, Penn and I have been busier than ever perfecting our keynote for upcoming speaking engagements, pitching a streaming show, and writing a children’s book.
We’re Publishing A Children’s Book!
Ever since ADHD Is Awesome came out last year, we’ve heard from so many of you that you’d love an option to share our book’s message with your younger kids. We are so excited to announce that we’ve officially signed a deal with a publisher to release a children’s book! We feel really lucky to have found a team that understands how important it is to get this in the hands of younger readers.
On that note, we felt we’d honor the new world we are jumping into with our Top 5 favorite children’s books.
Our Top 5 Favorite Children’s Books
- Where The Sidewalk Ends – Shel Silverstein
Penn says this is where his love affair with rhyming began, and many of the poems remind him of living in New York.
- Woo Hoo! You’re Doing Great! – Sandra Boynton
It’s fantastic for kids, but this book has also become popular for adults to send to other adults who may have just had a crappy week. Its message is universal – trying your best is a reason to celebrate!
- Goodnight Moon – Margaret Wise Brown
A classic that we couldn’t leave off the list. Plus, we are so impressed with how this book stays in the top 10 most-sold books on Amazon every. single. week.
- Knuffle Bunny – Mo Willems
While outwardly about a lost plush, this book is about how parents will go to the end of the Earth for their kids.
- Pete and Pickles – Berkeley Breathed
We got this as a gift and had never heard of it. When our kids were younger, we’d request to read it more than them and it would always end in tears (With us crying). It has spectacular artwork, and one of the most touching acts of selflessness you’ll ever see in a book of any genre.
Special Mentions
It feels unfair to share this list without these 4 books that deserve a special shout-out.
- The Paper Bag Princess – Robert Munsch
- The Giving Tree – Shel Silverstein
- Llama Llama, Misses Mama – Anna Dewdney
- The Cods of Cape Cod – Edward Shankman
Also, in celebration of Lola getting into college, here are her top 3 favorite children’s books:
- Corduroy – Don Freeman
- Fancy Nancy – Jane O’Connor
- The Day The Crayons Quit – Drew Daywalt
Listen to the entire podcast episode below:
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com/podcast/the-holderness- family-podcast/new-starts-and- picture-books/PE:1317309579? part=ug-desktop&corr=89747197
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com/podcasts/094464e9-aad9- 4b09-8ee8-248c76b48bd6/ episodes/2cd955b2-ab1f-4c2e- 8829-fdaee7b75c48/the- holderness-family-podcast-new- starts-picture-books