A Note in the Pocket | Undies on our head!

There are a few things I’m certain of in this life:

  1. Life is too short to spend it doing a job you don’t love.
  2. Luck is created by hard work.
  3. Chocolate cures most emotional distress
  4. If you’re able, you should help. Always.

Sometimes helps comes in the form of something simple, like putting away the laundry. Other times it’s more grand — like clothing children in need so they can wait at the bus stop without freezing. A decade ago, a teacher noticed some of her students coming into class on freezing days without coats. She soon learned it was because their families couldn’t afford them. She asked her family and friends to donate what they had available — and soon the children in her class had a way to stay warm.

Here’s the thing: about half the parents of those children sent the coats back the next day, saying “My child came home with this coat by mistake.”  So this teacher put a note in the pocket of each coat, explaining the coat was just for that child and they were loved.

This organization, A Note in the Pocket,  has grown far beyond this class and coats. Now thousands and thousands of children get a gently used mini wardrobe thanks to this organization. But there is still a massive need.  As it turns out, in the county where our children go to school 50,000+ children live at or below the poverty line. School is hard enough — but some must wear the same shirt every day because it’s the only one they own.

So we wanted to help. We are hoping you’ll consider joining our team for the upcoming Note in the Pocket, Socks and Undie 5K Rundie!   Underwear on your head is optional.


Click here to sign up and/OR donate:

Thank you, as always, for your love and support.