The Best Part About Getting Older

Do you know how you know you’re getting older? For Penn Holderness, it’s getting excited about really very basic things. Like keeping a photo on your phone of the best parking job you ever did to pull up at the drop of a hat. 

A couple summers ago, we went to see the Savannah Bananas play in Durham. Penn and I drove separately due to kid obligations. I was a rule follower, and parked in the parking deck nearby. But here’s what you should know about Penn. This guy is the luckiest when it comes to parking spaces. Pulling into Target on a busy Saturday? Someone conveniently backed out right as he turned down the aisle. It’s uncanny. And this game was no different. 

He saw a space right out front of the ballpark and proceeded to park his giant SUV at the time, into a compact space. Successfully. He was so pumped about it, he made our son and nephew pose in front of it to keep bragging rights for years to come. 

That, my friends, is getting old. 

A March Madness Bracket

This week on the podcast, we invited our producer Ann Marie Taepke to join us for a March Madness-inspired bracket game to determine the best part about getting older. Ann Marie recently celebrated a birthday ending in zero, and she called us out of the blue a few days before. I was concerned she was upset about getting old, but quite the opposite. She called to tell us that the reason she wasn’t freaking out about turning 40 was because of us. 

We do our best to keep it real about what it’s like to get older, because our audience is aging with us. We’re all not getting any younger, so we might as well have fun! Right? To play the game, Penn and I each came up with 8 things and we put that list of 16 head-to-head with lots of discussion and laughs along the way. 

Listen to the podcast and tell us if you came up with the same champion for your Best Part of Getting Older bracket by playing along with our graphic in this blog post! Also stay tuned for the Top 5 Things Gen X Will Have In Their Retirement Home. 

Happy listening! 


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