
XMAS JAMMIES PART 2 : Shopping Advice from Your Husbands

Ahh, the magic of the holidays.  The happiness (and insanity) that happens when families get together… the look on a child’s face while tearing apart wrapping paper. And, one of my favorite parts, the fake reaction you give your spouse…

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More Bizarre Road Trip Behavior

My buddy, Dave, snapped this photo last night as I was getting off a flight in Chicago… luckily he was able to keep his phone steady he was laughing so much… that’s me, in the gaudy Red and White Scarf,…

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PENNvestigates: Why do road trips make me mean?

Lets start with the visual evidence… Exhibit A – a picture my wife took during our recent 11 day road trip around Florida.  Note the posture, the extra vein sticking out of my forehead (not normal), and the Ivory White…

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