We recently got a voicemail message from the cutest family. They were giggling hysterically and called our podcast voicemail number to ask us a question about our game, Family Faceoff. Their question was, “What was the first thing going through…
My daughter hosted a group of friends at our house before a winter dance recently. The entire group has flawless skin, perfect makeup, and hair that looked like it had been professionally styled. I had two immediate reactions. First, I…
If there was one thing I learned from our time on The Amazing Race, it was how to get out of my comfort zone. If you watched the show, you know this included all sorts of challenges for us like…
We recently shared some Valentine’s ideas that aren’t things if you are looking for a gift that doesn’t require spending money or a gift that involves lots of quality time together. But, of course, you can’t go wrong with wrapping up…
I realize the irony in what I’m about to type: Social media can be a really scary place. Chances are you’re reading this because you’ve found it on social media, so I’m aware how this all sounds. I have days,…
Recently, my good friend was sick and I thought to myself, “I should make her a meal.” But, let’s be honest, I have a hard enough time making meals for my own family every night. That doesn’t change the fact…
We all know how important it is to build strength, especially as we age. In my 20s, I would run six miles a day but I couldn’t do more than a few push-ups without reaching exhaustion. Though I’ve tried to…
I often call Penn my ‘golden retriever.’ Even on his worst days, he will find something to laugh about and find bits of joy in the madness of our day to day life. Me? Well, that’s entirely different. As I…
Valentine’s Ideas (When You’ve Been Together Forever)
Yes, I’m one of those people who looks forward to Valentine’s Day. When the cold, dark days of January start to get me down, I love to break out the heart-shaped wreath I keep in the attic. After the frenetic…
It seems 2022 was good for at least one thing…really good television. I tried my best to get my butt off the couch so this is a mix of shows I tried and ones my friends have recommended. If you…