
A Clueless Mom’s Guide to Spring Fashion

There was a time when I could walk into my closet and feel confident with what I picked. I don’t know if it’s my age or the ever-changing styles, but I’ve been feeling a little lost in the fashion department. With…

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Can You Finish These 90s Lyrics?

There are certain life skills, I believe, that our kids need to know in this world. Our kids need to master a solid handshake while making eye contact. They need to know how to cook a meal from start to…

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Anxiety, Imposter Syndrome, and Space Travel

Penn here.  One of our favorite things we create is our podcast. It’s a space where we can have conversations as a couple and interview people who teach us so much. It’s a space where I can let my “freak…

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All The 90s Fashion Trends Coming Back

There are moments in the parenting journey no one writes about in the books. There is no proper preparation for these emotional gut punches. Just the other day, my 16-year-old daughter was scanning my closet for something to wear. She…

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15 Easter Basket Ideas for Teens

My daughter can drive a car and merge onto the highway. My son is the only person in our house who can navigate the many remote controllers to operate the television. But the Easter Bunny still visits our house. In…

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Parents, We Are Too Hard On Ourselves

If you’re a parent who is reading this and you feel like you’re failing, please allow yourself to take a deep breath. I’ll wait… Now, I want you to give yourself some grace. Give yourself some patience and understanding. There…

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How the Pandemic Changed Us

It’s been three years since our world shut down and, wow, has life changed.  I have worked to keep a journaling habit for most of my life. I even wrote this post about trying a new way to journal, more…

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The Gift of Swedish Death Cleaning

When Penn’s parents had to move into a skilled nursing home for Alzheimer’s and dementia, we had the task of cleaning out their house. While I am normally the person who would throw away everything, I found myself getting very…

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If I Had To Parent All Over Again

So, funny story.  First, let’s get the TMI stuff out of the way. I’m deep into my 40s, but my monthly cycle has been very regular. (There’s a reason I’m telling you this, sit tight.) We took a trip to…

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How to Have Forced Family Fun

In our family, Kim does most of the planning… groceries, kid schedules, workouts for us, house maintenance, and yard work. She is the best and I really appreciate her for it. So when it comes to family vacations, Kim deserves…

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