Calling Senators & Making You Smile

Penn and I have always been open about how we feel about certain social and political issues, however it definitely doesn’t lead the conversations on our social media. We know people come to our page to laugh and escape. But the things happening in the world right now are not a laughing matter. So we decided to do this week’s podcast episode a little differently. We started by calling our senators so you can hear what that sounds like and, hopefully, encourage you to do the same. Currently, there are two gun control bills that have been stalled in the Senate. By calling your elected officials, you are letting them know what their constituents actually want. I encourage you to do research on who is representing you in our government and calling in to make your voice heard.

I know the idea of calling into a political office can be terrifying. I know as an introvert that even calling to order food delivery can stress me out. Luckily, I have  a script I follow when I call and usually it is left as a voicemail so I don’t have to talk to any other humans. I hope listening to me call my senator shows that it is extremely easy…but above all, incredibly impactful. I also shared some of my other calling tips in the podcast. 

Laughter Through Tears

We truly believe laughter is one of the best medicines. We don’t have all the answers to the world’s problems so we do what we know best…make people laugh. We finished up the episode with Penn sharing his favorite dad jokes, some great “would you rather” questions, and sharing our honest review of the new Top Gun: Maverick movie.


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