Can You Have A Calm Christmas?

I have to admit, I roll my eyes when people tell me to slow down and enjoy things. (I am fully aware that is ironic given I am trying to have a Slow 60 between November and December this year.) Being told to slow down around the holidays is no exception to my eye rolls. When I first heard the phrase ‘Calm Christmas’ my mind heard the word lazy. Productivity has been hardwired into me and it is a struggle for me to slow down. 

There are so many obligations and traditions that are expected of us this time of year, how can you possibly slow down? If I am not doing something or working towards a goal, it feels like I am lacking direction. The truth is it’s important for us to take breaks and do things we enjoy rather than just what we’ve always done.

Making New Traditions

This week we talked to Beth Kempton, author of Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year: A Little Book of Festive Joy, to help inspire calm in us this season. The idea for this book began when Beth and her husband celebrated their daughter’s 1st birthday on Christmas Day. They spent most of the day opening gifts from their family, and while it was lovely and thoughtful, they realized they didn’t spend time with people or together. They spent time focused on stuff. That was not how they wanted to spend their holidays. 

Calm can mean different things to different people. Beth encourages others to have conversations with yourself and your loved ones about what you want out of the holidays. Once you understand what everyone wants, you can be intentional about how to plan for them. If you need rest, make sure you plan ahead to have meals pre-made. If you want different things, be ok with not having to do everything together. For example, Beth loves holiday caroling service and her husband does not. She found that she enjoyed going alone or with a friend rather than with someone who didn’t want to be there. 

Beth gave us a lot to consider in planning an intentional Christmas that can bring about calm. What will you do to help make your holiday more intentional? Tell us and enjoy the show:


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