


My 2023 Gift Guide for Readers

I’m a proud reader and I know a lot of people in my life who love to read. I felt it was only right to have a special gift guide just for them. Please enjoy these 14 gifts that any…

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My 2023 Kitchen Gadget Gift Guide

Once upon a time, I used to have a “favorite things party” with a small group of friends. The idea was that you gifted each other something you loved that was under $20. We all walked away with the same…

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My 2023 Hostess Gift Guide

It takes a lot to host an event and I can speak from experience. Almost every year, we host 25+ people for Thanksgiving at our home. We don’t do it for any special recognition or gift, but I have to…

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My 2023 Stocking Stuffers Gift Guide

Sometimes you need just a little something to put with a gift or a small present to let someone know you are thinking of them. These 14 gifts are small, thoughtful, and perfect as an add-on, stocking stuffer, or just…

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My 2023 Gift Guide for Him

The longer we are married, the more it feels harder to shop for Penn. (Is it just me? Are the guys in your life hard to shop for?) I’ve been trying to do a better job of bookmarking things I…

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My 2023 Gift Guide for Her

The women I know always put others first at the holidays and rarely splurge on themselves. Sometimes they don’t even give their loved ones a list to go off of. (I am even guilty of this!) Putting together our annual…

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My 2023 Health & Beauty Gift Guide

Anyone else kinda mad that teens these days don’t go through an awkward phase anymore? They learn how to do their hair and makeup through YouTube tutorials. Half the time, I’m asking Lola for tips on skincare, make-up, and general…

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My 2023 Gift Guide for Crafty Teens

Sometimes I look at my daughter’s art projects and I think, “Where did this talent come from?” Even my stick figures need work. And it seems her artist eye colors her whole life, with her organization and room decor. Lola…

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My 2023 Gift Guide for Sporty Teens

When it comes to asking your teenager for gift ideas, some show up with a powerpoint presentation of what they want…while others just shrug their shoulders and mumble, “whatevs.” If you’ve got a sporty kid like me, here are some…

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Stock Your Fall Mocktail Bar

Earlier this year, Penn and I got sober curious and decided to cut back on drinking. We wanted to cut back and get curious about why we were reaching for alcohol at the end of the day.  We still enjoy…

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