


Mother’s Day Special: Words of Wisdom every Family Should Hear

We have a very special podcast this week with a very special guest .. my mom! My mom, Peggy, joins us to help celebrate Mother’s Day. She is the person I call when I have good news or bad news.…

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The Truth Behind Criticism and How to Deal with it

As with any podcast, we invite you to join us on our journey to be better. We are all passengers in this crazy life and we are all just trying to do our best (most of the time). Today, we…

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What Happened When Our Kids Tried 80’s Toys

We have put our kids through some 1980’s flashback challenges a few times (we can’t help it – it’s so fun). From throwback dance to tech challenges, they have been pretty good sports. This time…we had to bring out the…

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How to Parent in a Digital World

If you have a kid that is online, you need to be a parent online. You have to understand and monitor your child’s digital footprint. What does that mean? How do we do it right? That’s not a rhetorical question,…

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CraftBusters: Dying Eggs with Silk Ties?

People have been really been upping their egg dying game over the years. The standard egg dying kit has been tossed aside for shaving cream and whipped cream methods. The latest trend…silk ties to dye eggs? Well, we had to…

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Diamonds from a Pencil

Welcome to CraftBusters. We take popular DIY videos with semi-helpful instructions to see if they actually work. We will admit that we were very hesitant about this one. You may recall that we tackled a similar project with coal, which …

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“We Can’t Help with Homework Anymore” Music Parody

We are reaching a tipping point with our kid’s homework. Do we want to help? Yes. Do we want to feel confident with common core math? Sure. Are we capable to tackle homework at this level? Debatable. Can you relate…

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Introverts Living with Extroverts

This is what marriage looks like when a classic extrovert marries a textbook introvert. Which one are you?…

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80s Dance Challenge: Father vs Son

It’s another 80s challenge and this time the competition was almost too close to call! Can PC keep up with Penn’s 1980’s dance moves? Can Penn master PC’s moves of today? Either way, you get a healthy dose of PC…

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Why Social Media Can Cause Mommy Burnout

We know this podcast is a bit ironic. We make our living on social media, but we’re suggesting you cut back to avoid mommy burnout (or burnout in general). We can admit that we could all use some restrictions for…

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