Ep. 9 Amazing Race Recap

All my life I’ve always been a rule follower. I don’t cut corners. I don’t take shortcuts. This week on The Amazing Race my rule following almost got the best of me. In a “needle in the haystack” challenge we had to turn over THOUSANDS of rocks in a coliseum to find a gold coin and get a clue. Despite having a head start, it took hours. It was a task that almost broke me.

Leave No Stone Unturned

When given an impossible task like this roadblock, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed quickly. When I was out there by myself (even though I knew I was ahead) I broke down. The last thing I wanted to do was let Penn down and lose the race. Hear more about what it was like to be part of this challenge on this week’s podcast recap. You can watch it on YouTube or listen below. 

Thank you again for cheering us on every week. As we go into the final episodes, we can’t tell you how much your support has meant to us.