Having Good Fortune In Your Career

Remember those tests you took back in middle school to see what career you would have? Mine said I would be an architect. (I mean I plan and design carpool schedules… same same.) The weird thing about those tests is there were only like 12 careers to choose from. Making weird videos on the internet? Not one of them. When I was a kid, I seriously thought one of those 12 were your only options. This week on the podcast, we spoke to comedian, writer, and actor, Fortune Feimster, who also didn’t know comedy could be a career path. 

Keeping It Positive 

It’s always fun to interview people we can fangirl over. Ever since Penn and I saw her steal the show in the movie Office Christmas Party, we were instant fans. Everything Fortune does is steeped in positivity. We talk about her growing up in North Carolina, and what her parents must have thought about her becoming a comedian. Fortune admits that her Mom probably did not breathe a sigh of relief until Fortune started getting gigs on television and movies. (Bless her sweet Mom.) It was really interesting to hear her talk about what inspires her and how she fell into the business. 

Listen to our podcast below and check out Fortune in a city near you on her 2 Sweet 2 Salty tour: https://www.fortunefeimster.com/