I Love An Assignment

For the month of September, I gave myself a challenge to blog every single day for the entire month. Call me strange, but I really love having an assignment. It felt so gratifying to hit the publish button on September 30 having managed to complete my goal. On that last day, I wrote a recap of how the month changed me, which you can read here

My focus for the assignment was my personal mental health. Having this challenge kept me motivated to take the time and intention to really think about my own mental health every single day. I found some new strategies that, at least for this season of my life, are really helping my mental health. And there are some other things that I’m still considering a work in progress on this journey, particularly how to spend less time on my phone. 

Penn’s Perspective 

On this week’s podcast, I walked Penn through my month of mental health discovery, what worked, and what has room for improvement. For example, I noticed that even though I was reluctant to make positive statements to myself each day, it did help. By the end of the 30 days, I noticed that as a whole it helped me think more positively. (Of course while discussing this we managed to veer off-topic into a shoe rack dispute but hey, that’s marriage for you.) 

The more we talked about what I learned, the more insight Penn had on how my mind works. Speaking of how minds work, it should come as no surprise that we somehow detoured to a story of Penn performing the Heimlich maneuver on our friend (she is fine). We learned that, in a crisis, Penn will be the first to perform a life saving technique, and I’ll be the one bringing you a high-quality glass of water. I think we balance each other well. 

Sneak Peak 

You can listen to our discussion at any of the links below. Bonus: we also give a sneak peek of next week’s podcast episode and how you might be able to join us on the show. We have exciting new things coming up, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter here to be the first to know.