
Living By Airport Rules

We experienced our first “last” recently with having a senior in high school. Lola had her last high school tennis match at a state tournament. They didn’t win, but she played her best and we are incredibly proud of her. The anticipation of tennis coupled with some stressful weeks had me living by what I call “airport rules.” What are airport rules? I am so glad you asked. 

Airport rules are basically the way you behave in an airport. You want dessert at 10am? Airport rules. You want to read a trashy magazine from the airport shop? Airport rules. You need one more glass of wine? Airport rules. No one questions it, because you’re in an airport. 

8 Pieces of Cheesecake

This week on the podcast, we give life updates and discuss airport rules. After the tennis match that weekend, Lola and I ordered 8 pieces of cheesecake and cuddled up to watch a Hallmark movie. (We were basically living our best airport rules life.) Airport rules are fun, but they are temporary. Just like being in an airport. Eventually, you have to board the plane to your destination and return to reality. It’s about giving yourself grace without guilt for a period of time.

You’re not meant to live your life in the airport. My week of extreme grace eventually caught up to me. Airport rules are fine for a few days, but I could not (and would not) maintain living my life like this everyday. I didn’t sleep well and I could feel my mental health slipping. So that Monday, I got on the Peloton, went back to healthier eating… I left the airport.

The Best & Worst

Leaning into our episode theme, Penn gave his top 5 best and worst things about the airport. We started with the best (shout out to Raleigh-Durham TSA) and ended with the worst. However, I did proceed to justify every gripe Penn had on his worst list. (Oops.) 

Listen and let us know what airport rules we missed!

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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-holderness-family-podcast/id1378725018?i=1000677440390

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1yDplpAklhVcPALujxNDcd?si=664493abccb244da

Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/jy49Ip5tEOb

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/094464e9-aad9-4b09-8ee8-248c76b48bd6/episodes/237bb99f-fb29-4786-b5ee-8b959bf07c20/the-holderness-family-podcast-living-by-airport-rules