Our 10 Favorite Places To Give

I was taught that it wasn’t real charity if you were boastful about where and how you gave money. But here we are, sitting with a rather large community of people we love, and have the ability to spread the word about organizations we adore. I feel like we’re wasting an opportunity if we aren’t talking about ways to help right now. It’s for a good cause, eh?

Giving time and resources is such a personal decision. We sit and talk as a family about where we’d like to donate. Where we spend our money may not align with you. I only hope to encourage you to find a way to help, if you’re able.  If this isn’t a time you can donate money, perhaps there’s a way to volunteer. 

Here’s a list of places we have/will be donating time or resources this year. There are so many amazing charities doing important work.  Please leave a comment with more suggestions for this very generous community. 

National & International

  1. Feeding America: No one should go hungry, period. The past couple of years have been extremely hard on many families, and if you hadn’t already noticed on your grocery bill, the price of food has skyrocketed. We want every person in America to have food on their table and we are asking you to help. For every dollar donated today through our fundraiser, the Holderness Family will donate up to $10,000 to match it. Let’s do this, friends!  
  2. SOSA: If you listened to our recent podcast with our friend, Roo Powell, then you know the important work that this organization is doing to shut down child predators on the internet. Supporting SOSA keeps their mission to protect children going. 
  3. UNICEF: This global organization has a mission for every child to be safe, fed, educated, and given opportunities. They are doing real life-saving work all over the world and the next best thing we can do is help support them. 
  4. Habitat for Humanity: Having a safe, stable place to live is a critical basic need. We love how Habitat partners with families in need to create affordable housing. 
  5. Meals on Wheels: As a kid, I remember driving around with my mom to deliver meals. I don’t think I understood the impact at the time. Now, I have a dear friend whose mother is on the receiving end of this service and I see how impactful the organization is. We’re donating this year in her name. 
  6. Hospice: We’re donating to the local facility where my grandmother recently spent the last week of her life. Before entering the hospice facility she received home care. The staff and volunteers are actual angels on this earth. While my grandmother had the strength to eat, the volunteer handed her the menu and said, “Now is the time! You should have ice cream for every meal!” I hope to volunteer at a local facility soon.

Local to Raleigh

  1. Place at the Table: This restaurant in Raleigh is a “pay-what-you-can” cafe. Their mission is for everyone in the community to be able to have a good meal regardless of means. Customers can pay menu prices, pay using a “token”, or pay via volunteering. We love the creative way they are serving the city! You can donate, volunteer, or even just go and enjoy a great meal to support what they are doing. 
  2. Note in the Pocket: We support the mission of this organization that provides appropriate clothing for children to wear to school. Note in the Pocket provides outfits, socks, underwear, shoes, and winter coats so that children can go to school feeling dignified and focused on their education. You can support their organization by donating money, clothes, or your volunteer time. 
  3. Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina: Everyone everywhere should have access to healthy food. We will always support the work that our local food bank does in getting food to those who need it in our community. 
  4. The Green Chair Project: We love this organization that provides furniture to those facing homelessness, crisis, or disaster. Our favorite project of theirs is ensuring that all kids in our community have a bed to sleep on, and not just any old bed, but a brand new bed to call their own. The Green Chair Project has also partnered with other local groups in our community during the past year to provide furniture to incoming refugee families. They welcome furniture donations, purchases from their wishlist, and financial support.