Our Favorite Dog Toys and More

Hopefully by now you’ve been introduced to our new pup, Sunny. We got this bundle of joy late last year and it was love at first sight, especially for Lola and Penn Charles. Now six months old, Sunny is still cute as ever but loves to test the boundaries of what she can get away with! We make sure she gets her energy out with lots of yard time and long walks, but here are a few toys and games that make sure her brain and body stay extra busy! [adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”dM6cVwXD” upload-date=”2020-03-02T15:17:39.000Z” name=”You Can’t Stop Me – Original Song” description=”” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball 

We love activity toys like this one because it keeps Sunny busy for a while so we can take important calls or shoot a new video without a furry visitor. She’s definitely food motivated (same, girl, same), so we fill this with yummy treats and she is in heaven.

StarMark Bob-A-Lot Interactive Dog Toy

Speaking of food, here is another treat dispensing toy that Sunny absolutely adores. It keeps her busy, and when she’s busy she isn’t eating camera batteries, nail clippers, or my table…all things she’s chewed on today.

Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Puzzle Toy

Puzzle toys! When I saw this I thought, no way Sunny can figure this out. I mean…no opposable thumbs, right? But she’s a smart cookie and solved it in no time. Every time we bring it out she gets right back at it and loves to use her lil brain. I can’t recommend interactive toys enough, especially for puppies. 

Benebone Real Flavor Wishbone Dog Chew Toy

If you have a dog like ours, the word “indestructible” means absolutely nothing. We have gone through many a toy that is recommended for the toughest chewer in a matter of minutes. However, this toy chew bone has lasted out and survived the chewing monster that is Sunny. Plus, you can choose between bacon, chicken and peanut butter flavors if you have a picky pup!

SmartPetLove Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Aid Toy

We got this little snuggle toy for Sunny when she was a puppy. It has warming pads and a heartbeat pulse to help transition from time with her mom. We were able to remove the heating pad and heartbeat when she no longer needed it, but she still absolutely loves to cuddle up with it. 


If you have a new dog joining your household, first congrats, and second, be sure to grab a few of these things to avoid major new dog habits like separation anxiety and furniture chewing. And if you want to see more cute pics of our pup Sunny, be sure to go follow us over on Instagram!

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