Real Food Tacos: A Taco Night makeover!

Post by Kim:

When I was in the eighth grade, I was eating a Mr. Goodbar as an after school snack before ballet class. A friend walked up to be and gasped, “Do you know how many grams of FAT are in that thing?” As a matter of fact I didn’t. I didn’t even know what these so-called-fat grams were. That started my obsession with nutrition labels. I’d scan calories, fat, sodium … and reject any food that was too high in a category. Snackwells? Yes! Low fat, low calorie! Avocado? NO. Too high in fat.

WELL. That’s all changed now. I’ve read every book Michael Pollan has published. In addition, I became a devotee to Vani Hari (aka The Food Babe) and Lisa Leake from 100 Days of Real Food. (These ladies have both published books and meal plans, I totally recommend BOTH).

Now, I don’t concern myself (too much) with the calories and fat  — now I obsessed over INGREDIENTS! I was horrified to read a long list of ingredients in things like shredded cheese! Why is there anything but CHEESE in there?

My children are participating (and enjoying) this process. In this video, Lola and I take on TACO NIGHT!