Our Dos & Don’ts of Managing Sibling Relationships

holderness siblings

Want to listen to our sibling relationships podcast straight away? Scroll to the end for listen links.

The podcast this week is a lot like sibling relationships. It went up, down and sideways, plus we got annoyed with each other. However, like the rules for our kids, we didn’t call each other names or hit each other, so that’s a plus.

Managing sibling relationships can be exhausting. There’s no science to it. There’s no magic solution or one-size-fits-all sibling recipe that creates household harmony. Penn and I took a look back at our own sibling relationships to reflect on what worked and what hurt our own relationships. Can you relate to our stories? Are there some moments you’d like to take back with your siblings?

After our walk down memory lane, we dived into our kiddos and their relationship with each other. We share one main philosophy when it comes to Lola and Penn Charles and their bickering. You may agree with it, you may not. (Feel free to tell us on our Facebook Podcast Group!)

Listen to our complete sibling management list (you know Kim had a list) – links below!

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/music/m/Dw3oouihxbqiuwvnz4kygqajh5q?t=Our_Dos__Donts_of_Managing_Sibling_Relationships-The_Holderness_Family_Podcast