Should We Sleep in Separate Beds

sleep holderness

This week’s marriage session (aka podcast session) takes you on a journey from vacationing as a couple together to sleeping alone at home. You may have seen on the social medias that we dropped the kids at summer camp and had a week vacation just the two of us. We had the most incredible time. So, did that euphoria continue when we got home? Well, I may have done something to sabotage it.

What’s Your Fight Cycle?

After our great getaway, complete with amazing conversation, food and relaxation, I had to turn things on its head. It is my fight cycle. I know it. I recognize it. We all have a fight cycle. If you aren’t sure you have one or know what it is – this podcast is for you. Because, trust me, we all have one and understanding it can save you from future headaches. 

Understanding Sleep Hygiene

We went from our best marriage week to our worst marriage week. Yep – from glamping together to sleeping in separate beds. But is that really such a bad thing? Sharing some advice from our marriage counselor, we break down the difference between going to bed apart in angst to sleeping alone as part of healthy sleep hygiene. 

Have you experience these post-vacation blues? Interested in hearing how we balanced the whipsplash? Have a listen and drop us on comment on social media. 

How to listen…





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