Supporting A Partner With Anxiety

Talking about anxiety is really HARD for someone with anxiety. Quite honestly, I can’t talk about specific encounters without reliving those feelings. I think that’s why it’s sometimes so hard for people to be able to openly talk with others about their anxious feelings, and why it’s so hard to be a supportive partner to someone with anxiety. 

In our years together, Penn has done an amazing job making me feel completely loved and accepted just the way I am – anxiety and all. And, in true Penn Holderness fashion, he’s not only learned to support me through this journey but has pointed out positive parts of my anxiety that can actually be a benefit sometimes. 

Let’s Be Honest, Anxiety Is Really Hard

We wanted to be really open about how hard living with anxiety is. So many people think if you are successful in life, then you can just “be happy.” But that’s not what anxiety is at all. This was a really hard podcast to record, but we are putting this out there in hopes it can help someone and/or their partner with these conversations. These are lessons we’ve learned and are still learning. 

Does your partner live with anxiety? Tell us how you support them. 

Happy listening: 

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