The Not So Newlywed Game – Free Download

We have been married for 16 years, and typically newlywed games don’t really stump us. We know each other’s answers to clique questions like the back of our hands. However, Penn and I love learning new things about each other. While writing our book, Everybody Fights, we learned more about each other’s vulnerabilities and dreams. It was amazing to know each other on such a deeper level since we thought we knew everything about one another. The Not So Newlywed Game, however, is not a deep level game to play with your partner… but I guarantee there are some stumpers in here.

For the Not So Newlyweds

If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, this game should be super fun! Have each of you answer the questions ahead of time on a piece of paper. For added fun, have someone cut the paper in half so you can’t see each other’s questions. (It’s so much more fun to be caught off-guard with your answers!) You can use our tiebreaker question or come up with your own.


Did we miss a great question in our version of this game? Tell us in the comments!