The Worst (And Funniest) Gift I Ever Received

Everyone has a story of the worst gift they ever received. (And typically it is also the funniest.) During my first year of college, I told my Dad I wanted pajamas for Christmas. All the girls in my dorm had cute sets, and I was rocking old t-shirts and boxer shorts. 

I am pretty sure Dad had no idea where to shop, so he went to Victoria Secret. He told them he needed pajamas, let them pick them out, paid for them, and had them wrapped in the mall. I’m assuming the sales associates thought he was shopping for a romantic partner because when I opened them, we realized he had got me a teddy negligee. 

We couldn’t stop laughing. 

Jesus or Cheese? 

This week on the podcast we asked for you to call in and tell us your best and worst gifts you’ve ever received. We needed a laugh and you did not disappoint. (Also, Polly if you are reading this we need you to call us back to tell us if your boyfriend sent you a photo of Jesus or cheese.) Many people also had a funny story about a mistakenly gifted negligee, so hopefully my Dad doesn’t feel too bad. 

On the flipside, one of the best gifts I ever received was when Penn and I were super broke in NYC. We set a $5 limit for each other and he decided to buy a $5 jar then go to Central Park and chisel off part of the rock we got engaged on. It was probably 100% illegal, but I still have it to this day and I cherish it. 

Listen to the podcast and tell us what your best and worst gift ever was! 


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