
This May Be My Best Resolution Ever

Recently, I was rewatching an old episode of Friends and it was the one where Joey briefly moves into his own apartment. He was showing everyone around his “fancy” new place, and one of the highlights was a telephone (with a cord) in the bathroom. Everyone was impressed at this newfangled idea of having a phone in the bathroom. 

Fast forward to today, and raise your hand if you take your phone to the bathroom with you. (Let’s all be honest, this is a safe space. I see your hand raised.) 

I’m Embarrassed To Admit This

My New Year’s resolution was to sleep with my phone in another room so I wouldn’t mindlessly scroll at night. Instead of charging it on my bedside table (like usual), I decided to plug it up in the bathroom. That meant, if I wanted to look at my phone for any reason before bed, I had to go and physically stand in the bathroom instead of laying cozily in bed. 

And do you know what happened? I’m so embarrassed to admit this. By the end of January, I had read five, yes FIVE, whole books. What?! I knew I would scroll endlessly through TikTok at night before falling asleep, but I did not realize just how much time I was taking away from anything else. Yes, there were definitely some days that I actually stood in my bathroom for probably 30 minutes scrolling my phone, but for the most part I stayed in bed and picked up one of the many books that had been collecting on my nightstand. 

The 5 Books I Read So Far

The good news is that I have been accumulating books in my “I want to read that” pile for sometime, so now it’s like I have my very own curated library every night to choose from. I thought I’d share here what I’ve been reading in case you were looking for some book recommendations: 

The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter

This has been challenging me for ways to get out of my comfort zone. 


Book Lovers by Emily Henry 

Some real fun Mommy/Daddy time scenes in this one. I’m a fan. 


The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha 

We had him on our podcast. He does a lot of positivity research. Helps me reframe what happiness even is. 


Meant To Be by Emily Giffin

This one feels inspired by the love story of JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette.


How To Human by Carlos Whittaker

Had him on the podcast. Very inspiring and helps us think about ways to come together. 

I’ve started reading an entire new stack of books – what’s on your must-read book recommendations list? Tell me in the comments! Note: Some of the items in this blog include Amazon Affiliate and other links which earn a small commission.