
What Your Dreams Actually Mean

Penn and I do lots of things together. We work together, we live together, we travel together, and now we… dream together? (No, it’s literally the same dream. What do dreams mean?!)

Lately, we each have been having a similar recurring dream. In my version, I am in a house that is unfamiliar. Half of the house feels like a haunted mansion where I have to crawl through trap doors and filth in order to get to the other side, where there is a big gorgeous room with floor to ceiling windows. Penn’s dream is similar (substitute the big windowed room for a cathedral, but you get the idea.) 

First of all, why are we having the same dream? And what could those dreams represent? On this week’s podcast, we brought in expert dream analyst Jane Teresa Anderson to see if she could unravel that dream for us (and also some of yours.) What she had to say was fascinating. 

What Do Dreams Mean

Jane Teresa defines dreams as: “The experience that you have when your brain and your mind are processing the last one to two days of all your conscious experiences and your unconscious experiences trying to make sense of the world.” We also talked about why people have certain recurring dreams (did you know that if you dream of losing your teeth, it‘s because you are feeling emotions in your waking life similar to those you did when you were a child?) All of this analysis proved to us that the studying of dreams is incredibly complex, but also very useful.

One thing I pulled from our conversation that I thought was particularly powerful was the fact that if you start to understand your dreams, you can use it to better yourself. According to Jane Teresa, “When you understand your dreams you understand yourself and when you understand yourself you understand your world. You can then look at your world and decide what to change. You are in the powerful position of being able to choose to change that unconscious belief and replace it with a more helpful one – one more appropriate to your goals as an adult and to your conscious wisdom.”

Our Shared Dream

As for our shared dream, Jane Teresa said she would need more time with us to gather information in order to dive deeper into its meaning. She believes it has to do with us believing there’s something in our lives that has great potential, but we view the path to get there as being incredibly difficult. Therefore, we may be blocking ourselves from embarking on certain journeys. Whether or not she’s correct in that analysis is open to interpretation (yet there are lessons to be had there.)

What are recurring dreams that you’ve had and what do dreams mean to you? Let us know in the comments. Happy listening!

Acast: https://open.acast.com/public/streams/618c3caaa322d1001350082c/episodes/66628b8e49b95d00128136e8.mp3

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-holderness-family-podcast/id1378725018?i=1000658578401

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4AypUyk0A5AIRjfreNciKM?si=3c7352dee5f248fe

Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/dCu9Ee7alKb

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/094464e9-aad9-4b09-8ee8-248c76b48bd6/episodes/f25a6603-eeef-4dd3-80f2-67fd1732de73/the-holderness-family-podcast-what-your-dreams-actually-mean-with-jane-teresa-anderson