Why I Stopped Quitting

I love to start something. In fact, I start A LOT of things. I have a list of videos I have started and never finished. I have 3 different first chapters of 3 different books I want to write. I love the energy, the excitement, the possibility of a FRESH START. 

But finishing things? Yeah, that’s been an issue for me. 

For most of my life, when things started to get uncomfortable, I would find an excuse to back out of a promise to myself. For example: The time I wanted to create an early morning workout habit. After a week I rationalized, “I know I said I was going to workout at 6am every day this month, but sleep really is more important, isn’t it?” Or the time I promised myself I would wake up and write every morning. This goal I met for about a month before throwing in the towel. I thought, “I spend so much time writing and nothing is coming out but sludge.” 

About two years ago, I had to take a really good look at myself, my habits, and what I really wanted to accomplish in this short life. I realized that uneasy feeling I would get midway into a project or goal is where the growth was happening. That tension was the start of the good stuff — and I was abandoning the progress. I would sleep in, thumb mindlessly through instagram, or do one of the 197 unending chores that needed to be done around the house.  I was walking away because I was afraid if I actually tried — I would fail. 

And hey … you can’t fail if you don’t even try, amiright? 

Finally, I was DONE quitting things. I promised myself I would sit in the discomfort and make serious changes starting with my health. 

How It All Started

First, I went to I went to traditional doctors because  I was struggling to sleep at night, I could barely keep my eyes open during the day, I gained 10 pounds that wasn’t budging, and my periods were so out of whack I thought I was starting menopause early. Those doctors offered me pills to sleep, more pills to regulate my cycle, and told me, “You’re in your 40s so weight gain and fatigue is expected.”

Then I found Dr. Harriet Hansell. She read my blood work like tea leaves. She offered me a solution other than pills and something no other doctor had mentioned. I would complete a 28-day reset. I would remove foods that are often culprits of inflammation, complete strength based workouts, and practice Intermittent Fasting at least 4 days a week. It sounded daunting but I was desperate for help. As always, I was thrilled to start something new. But like everything in life that’s worth working for, it wasn’t always easy.  

Here was the difference: This WAS NOT just a diet to help me fit into my favorite jeans. 

There was more on the line. If it was just to lose weight, quite frankly, I couldn’t be bothered. There was a time in my 20s when I obsessed about my appearance in an unhealthy way. I won’t say I’m the queen of body confidence, but I’m not going to waste brain space on hating my body. I needed a reset so I could function as a mother, to have energy to do my job, and to be present for my marriage. Living in a state of fatigue and brain fog kept me from the good stuff. 

We recorded another podcast about all of this, including the benefits my reluctant husband experience when he completed his own reset. I am so proud of the work I have been able to complete with Dr. Hansell to bring Well Body Reset to life and FINALLY finish something.  To learn more check out WellBodyReset.com

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