To be clear: I love Trader Joe’s. But are they all in already congested areas on purpose? Do their weird food combos seduce us into putting up with narrow aisles? It got us thinking, so Penn and I created a silly video: How Trader Joe’s Was Made. Penn and I pretended to be executives planning for a new grocery store – with a tiny parking lot, extremely kind cashiers, and of course very odd food combinations.
Shocking no one, the comments were filled with all your favorite Trader Joe’s items. And let me tell you I have never seen the phrase “dark chocolate peanut butter cups” written out so many times. Here’s what you told us were your favorite items from Trader Joe’s:
1. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
When I tell you I read this over 50 times JUST in our Instagram DMs. You all are telling me that they put Reese’s to shame. That’s some big talk!
The orange chicken from Trader Joe’s comes in second on how often it was mentioned as a favorite. Summer on TikTok shared this story: “Years ago my daughter fell in love with their Mandarin Orange Chicken (which kept selling out) so I bribed a worker to call me when it was restocked.” Dedication.

3. The Flower Department
The flowers from Trader Joe’s are taking a top spot based on your rave reviews. Many people mentioned that their flowers last longer than any other grocery store flowers. And I also read many stories of people getting free bouquets on their birthday.
4. Frozen Croissants
Almond. Vanilla. Chocolate. Apparently, Trader Joe’s sells frozen croissants in several different flavors that are to die for. Yum.
5. Chicken Noodle Soup Dumplings
Finally, we have our first contender for unique (but delicious) food combination. Honestly, this seems like the perfect food when you are stuck at home and sick.
6. Frozen Fried Rice
Trader Joe’s definitely excels at their frozen food options, with fried rice being mentioned more than others.
7. Everything But the Bagel Seasoning
Y’all put this stuff on everything. And for good reason, it sounds amazing.
8. Cauliflower Gnocchi
We mentioned this combination early on in our video and you rushed to the comments to share your love.
9. Chicken Gyoza Potstickers
I’ve bought these and hid them from my family. I’m selfish like that.
10. Gluten-Free Joe-Joes
Many commenters commended Trader Joe’s for how many gluten-free options they sell. One person even claimed that the gluten-free Joe-Joe’s are better than the Oreo ones. Mic drop.
Lastly, general spices, sunscreen/skincare, and dog treats also got a lot of love in the comments. Some people even sent me screenshots of their grocery lists. However, I think the real winner is the woman who said she met her husband on her first day of working at Trader Joe’s 20 years ago. Aw!