This week on the podcast, Penn and I talked about the rare occurrence we had recently of both kids being gone for the night at a friend’s house. It felt suspicious to have a bare calendar and no children to…
This week on the podcast, we spoke to Dr. Anthony Fauci about the current state of COVID and advice for parents on the upcoming school year. We had a mix of fun and serious questions planned. Our goal was to…
In this world where music is accessible LITERALLY EVERYWHERE, I find myself missing the days when someone biked over to my house with a clear Maxell cassette and screamed “I JUST FOUND A NEW SONG!” We put it in the…
I don’t know about you, but I feel like we’re still unraveling the true impact of the pandemic. One of the blessings, I feel, is how that time striped away all the nonsense and helped our family focus on what’s…
I was trying to take my socks off the other day and I threw my back out. (A clear sign of getting older, yes.) It’s my body’s way of telling me I am carrying too much stress and tension. As…
A couple months ago, my family and I went to a wedding. We hadn’t seen our relatives in a while, and it had been a while since we had gotten dressed to the nines. (Let’s face it, we’ve all spent…