Remember when we thought this pandemic would be kicked in a couple of weeks? As we sit at home, and near another holiday under Covid restrictions, we’re looking for something … anything to make it special.
Penn and I have never been big on gifts or large romantic gestures for Valentine’s Day, but this year we are making it a point to spend some quiet time together enjoying each other’s company. Here are a few date night ideas that you and your love can enjoy from the comfort of your home:
At-Home Spa Day
I have decided not to get a pedicure or massage over the past year. (Heck! Penn and I went several months before we were comfortable getting haircuts.) So anything close to a spa day sounds like utter paradise. Although I’d love to tell you Penn gives a great backrub, he usually loses patience after 14 seconds and starts scrolling twitter with this free hand. So we have this back and neck massager, deep tissue ice roller, and a pack of highly-rated face masks. We both exercise a lot (and we aren’t getting any younger) so things seem to ache and hurt more than they have before. These hit the spot. Make a charcuterie spread, put on your bathrobes, and enjoy some much needed relaxation.
The Couple That Reads Together
Penn and I have spent the last few years of our marriage writing a book, so it’s quite obvious that we love to read. Iceland has this wonderful annual tradition called Jólabókaflóð, where you give your loved ones a book on Christmas Eve. I love the idea of exchanging books, because it takes some thought and effort to pick a good book outside of your normal genre. And if you need a book recommendation, you can always grab ours
For Gamers Only
Our family loves to play board games with each other. While it’s fun to play with the kids, I am always on the hunt for 2-player games for just Penn and I. Recently, I was intrigued by this relationship-focused Ultimate Game for Couples. The guess and challenge cards provide some light-hearted and fun conversation. However, if you both are more serious gamers then there are some great 2-player strategy games like Mastermind and Node.
Make Dreams Come True
Do you ever feel like you see your partner all day, but you don’t talk? When’s the last time you sat down and talked about the future? It may seem uncertain now but that doesn’t mean you can’t daydream together. Grab this Bucket List scratch-off poster or even this world map to help you two decide what the next few years might hold. I am a big believer in putting what you want into the universe. What better way to do that than together.
Love Is Art
This date is not for everyone, but if you are looking for something sexy and outside of the box, this Love Is Art Kit is a big hit online. There are tons of reviews about how people have purchased the kit for anniversaries or newlyweds… you get the idea. The kit allows you to create an intimate piece of art together. If you are looking for something more G-rated, doing a hand molding kit especially with your little Valentines could be fun.
Cook Up A Storm
Funny story, I got my Instant Pot for Valentine’s Day a couple of years ago. I asked for it! Don’t shame Penn. (Quite the opposite of the Love Is Art Kit above, am I right?) We decided to make a meal together we had never tried. We made a date of going to the store, picking out the ingredients (and the wine) and we turned on music and enjoyed the process. You can recreate your favorite restaurant meal at home, or cook something you usually don’t have time for. You can always try a new recipe with our family favorite Instant Pot and a bunch of new spices to audition a new dish to your dinner rotation.
Date In A Box
When coming up with our 2020 holiday gift guide, I sorted through a whole bunch of subscription boxes. One that really stood out to me was Crated With Love. Every month you are sent a themed box filled with activities to enjoy with your partner. What I really like about it is that the themes are really unique and the company makes sure all couples are represented.
How will you be spending your Valentine’s Day in 2021?
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