7 Fidget Toys To Keep You Occupied

Have your kids jumped on board the fidget train? I kept hearing about these mysterious “fidgets” but never really paid attention to what the craze was all about until recently. Our friend brought over one of the poppers and as soon as I picked it up my mind blew. It was like popping those satisfying bubble wrap poppers, only better because you could just keep popping them back and forth. 

Keeping your hands busy is a great way to help deal with anxiety or ADHD, so I am keeping a few of these around the house, in my purse, and in the car for myself my kids. These would also make fun party favors, small incentive rewards for your kids, or birthday gifts. Penn and PC reviewed most of them here.

1. Fidget Starter Pack

I may buy this for PC so he can see what he likes and if any of the fidget toys help him concentrate.

2. Giant Popper

Ok, this one is completely ridiculous but I can’t look away. This could provide lots of entertainment for me…I mean my family.

3. Fidget Spinner Poppers

It’s wild to think we’ve now gotten to the point where two fidget toys can be combined to make one epic toy.

4. Magnetic Rings

Playing with these rings between your fingers is said to help with focus and reduce anxiety. 

5. Wacky Tracks

I can see this being a great fidget toy and also teaching young kids about hand-eye coordination.

6. Monkey Noodles

I feel like I should pre-warn my coworkers that they will be seeing a lot of monkey noodles on our Zoom meetings.

7. Fidget Snapper

This one has the added benefit of increasing grip strength! I don’t know what I would need that for but why not!

What’s your favorite fidget toy? Tell me what I must order in the comments! 

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