I am one of those people who works best with clearly defined goals. I love a vision board and a deadline. I’m the person who will write something on a to-do list, just to get “credit” for crossing it off. Everything was on track then…cue the pandemic. All our business and personal goals were tossed or drastically altered. My to-do list was filled with things like ‘“find toilet paper.” Vision board? That was used for kindling in our fire pit. For me, as someone who is motivated by forward progress towards that imaginary finish line, this year has been a struggle. With so much pure chaos in the world right now, I’m learning to set smaller, more digestible goals that are within my control. My most recent goal? Another 28-day Well Body Reset.

Here’s The Truth
I shared recently how I developed (and have maintained) a daily exercise habit and people had ALL the questions about what we eat and how we stay healthy. Here’s the truth: We live the Well Body Reset way. It is a nutrition and fitness plan based on three tenets: whole foods, intermittent fasting, and functional exercise.
For the record, we don’t turn down those occasional indulgences, like a delicious margarita or a cake our daughter baked. By completing these resets we know how our bodies react to certain foods – so Penn avoids tons of dairy and I go easy on the gluten. If I do have a piece of cake (is my daughter the only teen baking her way through 2020?), I know my stomach may hurt the next day and I’ll feel pretty hungover. But I drink a ton of water and move on with my life #noregrets. About four times a year we do a clean Well Body Reset. This means we set a goal to eliminate the foods and drinks that upset our systems.

This program was developed by Dr. Harriet Hansell and it has changed my life. A few years ago, I went to several doctors trying to find answers for constant fatigue, brain fog, and painful menstrual cycles. None of them had answers besides “You’re a mom in your 40s, of course you’re tired!” Dr. Hansell was the first person to take me seriously. She put me on this plan and it’s become our way of life.
Join Our Reset
Both Penn and I felt such profound changes that we wanted to help her share her program with everyone! The Well Body Reset is now an online course that includes a series of videos so you know the science of intermittent fasting, the type of foods Dr. Hansell wants us to be eating, and the benefits of functional movements. You’ll get 28 delicious recipes, workouts, and access to a private community. We are running a special sale starting today through Monday – $80 off the program! If you’re looking to feel better, or even have the ability to set and achieve a goal, we’d love it if you joined us. You can join anytime throughout the year, but for this 28-day cycle we will be coaching you through the process on the private Facebook group.
Though most people do lose weight, the goal of this program is to FEEL WELL. In fact, my goals are never scale-related. Using weekly assessments, I’ll measure my intentions for this reset. This month my objectives are to be able to go to sleep and STAY asleep, have more energy throughout the day, and to be able to complete more pushups. Nothing about this year was on my vision board, but by setting this attainable goal for myself, I’m feeling better already. Click here to join the challenge for $80 off. I hope to see you there.