Amazing Race Family: Raquel & Cayla

While we are “getting back to normal” content in most ways, we will still want to spend some time and introduce you to some of the people we met along the way on our Amazing Race Journey. This week we’re talking to Cayla Platt and Raquel Moore. 

It’s strange to think about it now, but they were the very first people we met on the Race. We met in the airport in 2020 on our way to London. I instantly fell in love with their energy and I knew they’d go far in the Race and in life.

We didn’t know it then, but almost two years after we met in that airport, we’d be going head to head in a battle to the very end. As much as we loved winning, our hearts broke that they didn’t.  

Photo: Courtesy of CBS Entertainment/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A Special Bond

We had a very special bond with these women. I felt very protective of the women on the show, but believe me, none of them needed my protection. They are younger than I am, but I learned so much from being around them. 

They have A LOT going on in their lives, including Raquel’s thriving life coaching business.

Hear about everything, including the words she told me on the race course that I still use daily. 

Photo: Courtesy of CBS Entertainment/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.