The Amazing Race Finale Recap

If there was anything more magical than winning The Amazing Race, it was watching our kids watch us win The Amazing Race. When I wasn’t sure if we could even do the show, our daughter Lola took me by the shoulders. She asked, “Will you remember some random month out of your life, or will you remember The Amazing Race?” Their reactions made everything we did over the last 2 years worth it. We will remember their faces and the joy of that moment for the rest of our lives.

The rollercoaster of emotions was strong in those final two legs. Before the second to last leg, I had a full-blown panic attack. Before the final leg, I was as eerily calm as a cucumber. As good as it felt to win, it was emotional knowing Cayla, Racquel, Dusty, and Ryan didn’t. Hours after we won, we found ourselves in an airport bar about to get on a red-eye flight back home. We were still wearing the same clothes. We couldn’t tell a soul. The whole thing felt like a dream.

Did We Just Win The Amazing Race?

This week on the podcast recap, we give you more behind-the-scenes about what things were like leading up to and winning the race. We also talk more about being with the cast to watch the finale together. I can’t say enough about the producers and people behind the scenes at The Amazing Race. They had the seemingly impossible task of putting on a race during a pandemic and they kept us all safe. We are also thankful to everyone who stayed with our kids and kept our business running while we went off the grid… twice. But most importantly, we are grateful for the lifelong friends we made with the entire cast of Season 33. It’s a privilege to know them and be part of their lives.

You can watch our recap here or listen on our podcast channels! Thanks for cheering us on.