Back to School Resolutions for Happy Kids & Happy Marriage

back to school resolutions

Shoulder pads? (check) Cropped, pegged pants? (check) Bangs that could stand on their own (double check) Seventh grade me was super ready to tackle the school year. As a parent? Welp.. I’m getting there. Every year I say, “This year is gonna be different!” Do you say that every year? We certainly do. Our new school year resolutions may sound like…

Mornings are going to be cool, calm and collected. Homework is going to manageable. Snacks and sports and everything in between will be a success! 

Sound familiar? To help our kids (and help our marriage), we are making a new type of list for school year resolutions based on the feedback, tips and advice we’ve received from past podcast episodes, such as our show with Dr. Emily King and our counselor. Our goal is to make the school year run smoothly for our kids, but also give Penn and I more opportunities and time to be happy. 

School Year Resolutions

You’ll probably notice right away that Penn and I have different types of school resolutions. We share our lists and explain our motives on the show. One of Penn’s goals is to approach homework like surgery, not like first aide. Don’t worry, he explains this tactic we’re going to try at the Holderness House. For me, one of my resolutions is to stop comparing myself. I share a recent treadmill story from the gym (Karen wasn’t there) that reminded me how important it is to celebrate my own success. 

Fun Homework for You

I’ve mentioned a certain book in the past two episodes, so if you have a teenage girl, I highly recommend that you read this for an awesome homework assignment: Untangled

Can you help me with one of my homework assignments? I am passionate about SO many things right now – book, board game, luggage and more! Will you tell me what you’d like to see from us by filling out this super easy, quick survey? Thanks so much!

Finally, listen to this week’s school year resolutions episode! Here’s how you can listen:

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