

Turkey with a side of passive aggressiveness

A Thanksgiving recipe from Kim’s family: Take one family and divide it into two political parties Add a divisive election Add a splash of alcohol Stir it all together at a family gathering Wait about 20 minutes after your crazy…

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Pairing Wine with Homework

Let’s face it, homework is not for the weak. Sometimes it takes a strong drink to solve those word problems. So which wine should you pair with those tough subjects? Take a look.…

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Device addiction: He’s texting and I know it.

We have a confession to make. Penn and I are dependent on our our phones in an unhealthy way. We admit it. We run a business that depends on consistent communication and fast responses. The phone has become an appendage…

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The Great Pumpkin Debate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FlZlzdxBzI Where do you stand on this debate? Penn is staunchly anti-pumpkin. Kim, is PRO PUMPKIN! PUMPKIN EVERYTHING! What do you think?…

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My husband has an STD (Shutting Things Deficiency)

The dishes piling up in the sink? It’s not my favorite but I can deal. Clothes piled near the hamper? Frustrating, but part of life. But the cabinet doors. I can’t. The drawers? No. WHY? Why can’t my husband close…

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