Love is in the air…and a touch of anxiety. Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday to show your love and appreciation for those special folks in your life, but finding the right gift can be tricky. Especially if you waited…
Turns out there are a lot of people who feel the same as Penn when it comes to the KonMari Method. Over a million views on Facebook and thousands of people commenting on the (non)joy of tidying up. Do you…
Join us for a walk down memory lane to the days of disposable cameras and payphones (yes, we found one). Kids may give us a hard time about being slow to adapt to new technology, but let’s see how they…
They are never around when you need them. Your cell battery goes to red and there’s not a phone charger in sight. Where do they all go? Maybe to an island with missing socks.
Do you remember this memorable Paula…
Thank you so much for dancing and singing with us this year! Here is a rundown of our most memorable musical memories.
What was your favorite tune of 2018?…
Don’t be THAT gift-giver. You know who we’re talking about. The person who tries to make a point or get something they want from the present they are giving you. After a few spoof (ok, maybe some real) passive-aggressive gifts,…
We received a ton of requests to try this DIY craft. As usual, the internet lies…or grossly underestimates the amount of instructions needed to do this project without 3rd degree burns. Our takeaways: use pliers, shave the bits of crayon…
Some people are organized enough to send Christmas cards. We aren’t those people. Every year we make a cheesy video to send to family and friends — thank you for being in our lives.…
From the desk of Kim Holderness…
I’ll just get to it because this is the internet and we (just me?) don’t have the attention span to make it to the end of this blog post. Regarding our recent viral video,…