Ep. 1 & 2 Recap: The Amazing Race

After we watched the premiere of The Amazing Race, I found myself up at 3AM heart racing. Watching the show is supposed to be the fun part. We’ve already done all the work and we know how the story ends. What I didn’t account for is how watching the challenges would make my body re-live the stress and anxiety of the race all over again. 

During the race, so many times I looked around and saw former athletes, community advocates, and heroes who have made national headlines, and wondered… Why are we here? We had massive imposter syndrome. I felt like the only people there who had not been on Oprah. We still aren’t sure why they picked a middle-aged married couple who makes funny videos for the internet to compete. But we weren’t going to turn down this opportunity. 


Time Is An Accordion

When you watch The Amazing Race, time is an accordion. Things that look like they take seconds can take minutes, and things that look like they took hours can take seconds. Every week, Penn and I are going to do a recap around our personal experience on the show including what we were feeling and what we talked about when the cameras went off. 

[SPOILER ALERT] In week one, we discuss Penn’s ADHD… the blessing and the curse. It may have gotten us through the art puzzle in the first leg but it also cost us time on the Mail Rail clue the next day. We also revisit the Cake Flag challenge and why we thought you only had to make a flag.. Just any ol’ flag. (Not the flag of a country in the European Union like the clue explained!) When the pressure is on, it’s easy to make mistakes. And boy… did we make a ton of them in these first two episodes. 

Tell us your questions and we will try to answer them in these recaps next week! You can watch them on YouTube, or if you want to take our recap on the go, check out the audio version of the podcast:




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