Goals For Senior Year

I am holding some wildly conflicting emotions about having a kid going into her senior year of high school. (There is no way I am old enough for this, right?) On one hand, I’m so excited for her future. On the other, I am already finding things I’ll miss: our nightly chats, her hilarious stories at the dinner table even how she forgets to switch out her laundry.  But she is ready for her senior year and beyond. 

Someone once told me that if you show up for your kids at every stage, you’re ready for the next stage. I am feeling that right now. I am ready for her to have a great senior year and the next stage after that. But I also know that feeling may be short-lived. 

Is the shoe about to drop?

Anxiety Is A Superpower? 

One superpower I have through all this is… anxiety. (Gasp!) I don’t think you will ever hear me talk positively about anxiety, except for this instance. My particular brand of anxiety is all about looking ahead to the future. As much as I hate it, it is very hard for me to stay in the moment. (I am working on getting better.)

Because I am so focused on what life is going to be like after senior year, I am not getting lost in the “babyhood” of it all. Don’t get me wrong, if you put a bunch of photos of Lola growing up to sad music, I will bawl my eyes out. Anxiety is somehow helping me stay grounded? It’s weird. 

Use Your Notes App

This week, Penn and I talked about my senior year goals and your best advice (thank you for writing in on Instagram and leaving us voicemails!) Some of you made us laugh and some of you made us cry. My most favorite tip came from using the Notes app on your phone to log all your senior year orders/confirmation numbers. (Think yearbook, cap, gown, etc. – there’s a lot of stuff!)

Additionally, Penn comes up with four Top 5 Lists about senior year songs, movies, and a few others that made us giggle. He was very afraid this podcast was going to make me feel some feelings, but I did good! 

Happy listening and don’t forget to send us your 4 things: 

Acast: https://open.acast.com/public/streams/618c3caaa322d1001350082c/episodes/66c369874d01ce6daf1e7422.mp3

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-holderness-family-podcast/id1378725018?i=1000665972224

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4iFmXhjeL6jhMZOCBydLoS?si=e83786a027f74af1

Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/bYpFqVPidMb

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/094464e9-aad9-4b09-8ee8-248c76b48bd6/episodes/37316dfe-ff8d-4987-97d4-cd608f6bec60/the-holderness-family-podcast-senior-year-goals-top-fives