How You Can Fight Fair with Meta Communication

Holderness Family Podcast

Interested in improving your marriage communication? Want to listen to the podcast right away? Scroll to the end for ways to tune in.

We are digging into meta-communication and marriage today. You may be interested in this type of communication style if you have ever asked yourself:

Can you go to bed angry?

Should kids see parents argue?

Are my communication habits triggering my partner?

Is it better to argue until everything is resolved or is it ok to bail?

How much does our gender and childhood play into communication styles?

Marriage master Chris Edmonston is back on the podcast to dive into these marriage truth bombs. Last week we talked about managing money with your partner. While that podcast provides insight and scripts for productive financial conversations, this podcast really digs into effective ways to work through arguments. Meta communication shows you how to avoid lazy conversations, feeling blindsided, and falling into bad communication habits.

Penn and I revive our roles as Mitch and Susan, to learn how to invite your partner to a discussion instead of accusing them of doing or not doing something. With Christopher’s guidance, we also learn about the dangers of deflecting (pulling the ripcord as Penn calls it) and passive-aggressive behaviors.

Have a listen and try out Christopher’s easy, “Try this, instead of this…” formula for success.





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