What is Intermittent Fasting and How Does it Work?

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Disclaimer: This intermittent fasting podcast episode has a lofty amount of disclaimers.

Disclaimer on our disclaimer: We know our listeners are smart, independent thinkers. Medical disclaimers are just a requirement these days.

We are pretty darn excited about this week’s show! Dr. Harriet Hansell is back on the podcast to tell us how to effectively use intermittent fasting. You may remember Dr. Hansell from our functional medicine podcast episode, which was wildly popular, so we’re thrilled to have her back. We both do intermittent fasting with Dr. Harriet’s guidance and we tell you why we turned to this method.

After you hear our success stories on this episode, you may be curious about trying this type of fasting for yourself. Dr. Hansell tells you why it works, how do it correctly, and tips for continued success. We will give you this important teaser: It isn’t about calorie counting or calorie cutting (thank goodness).

We mentioned The Obesity Code in this episode. If you want to give it a read, you can purchase it here: https://amzn.to/2WptZmF

Here are the ways you can listen:

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/music/m/Dsandxe5xepazpdarebosqhuduu?t=What_is_Intermittent_Fasting_and_How_Does_it_Work-The_Holderness_Family_Podcast