Blending Introverts and Extroverts in Families

holderness podcast

We’ve tackled the introvert vs extrovert characteristics in this Holderness Family video and I have given my introvert life hacks in this video, but today we’re focusing on the framework we use in our family to blend our personalities better in marriage and parenting.

Key Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts

Our framework for success starts with an understanding of who the person actually is, so we break down the definition of extroverts and introverts. Take a pool day for example: Penn is mingling and chatting it up with neighbors while I’m reading a book under an umbrella in the corner. And although the dictionary describes introverts as shy people, I really do love people. The key differences to us is how each of us recharges our batteries. Penn gets his energy from others and I get mine from within myself.

Compromises Between the ‘Verts

When we first moved in together in NYC, we had to quickly learn to adjust to each other. Penn would go out every night if I agreed, but that would have zap my energy (and maybe my soul) after just a few days. We got to a point where Fridays, knowing I’d need to recharge after a tough week, were spent ordering pizza and watching movies on the couch. Penn was ok with that, because he knew we’d go out on Saturdays.That’s compromise, folks.

We discuss several of our tricks and tips, but one key takeaway is avoiding this type of language: Why don’t you want to go out and be with people? Your introvert or extrovert tendencies should never be presented as a negative. Difference doesn’t mean bad. Actually, we talk about all the beautiful benefits that comes from marrying someone that is opposite of you on the social scale.

Have a listen and let us know on our podcast Facebook Group what type of ‘vert you are and how it differs from others in your family.

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