Kale Chip Recipe – Healthy & Easy

I know this sounds crazy…but my kids love kale chips! Plus, I’m a fan of anything other than beige going into my kids’ growing bodies. Especially at a time like this, where you suddenly have snack-y kids at 2 p.m. who are taking a break from distance learning. What a weird sentence.

This recipe takes less than 25 minutes and requires basically 2 ingredients. Just like tot waffles, you have creative freedom when it comes to seasoning and toppings. Make it your own and let me know if you try it in the comments! But more importantly, did your kids like it?

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”TUW74cFU” upload-date=”2020-03-30T18:53:23.000Z” name=”Kale Chip Recipe” description=”I know this sounds crazy…but my kids love kale chips! Plus, I’m a fan of anything other than beige going into my kids’ growing bodies.” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

Easy Kale Chips

Prep time: 5 minutes | Cook time: 20 minutes


  • 1 bunch of Kale
  • Olive oil
  • Salt (optional)
  • 1 cooking sheet
  • Parchment paper


  1. Peel kale from the spine.
  2. Rinse well.
  3. Dry thoroughly with salad spinner or paper towel.
  4. Spread out on cooking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. Spray lightly with olive oil. (I recommend using a Misto sprayer)
  6. Season and/or salt how you wish.
  7. Stick it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
  8. Pull out when the edges are golden brown and crispy.
  9. Enjoy!

What are your favorite healthy snack recipes? Share with us here and on Facebook!